The case narratives serve for research and information on the processes of diagnostics, therapy and aftercare carried out according to the Normamed principles. The case studies are individual and cannot and should not be transferred and applied to other cases.
In particular, no information for self-treatment or medication or other medical measures should be taken from the illustrations. A success in healing or an improvement cannot be guaranteed by addressing the case studies. For every treatment of ailments, a personal medical advice should be absolutely obtained, and a physician should be consulted accordingly.
By clicking on the button to visit the case narratives, you confirm that you have read this information and the following disclaimer.
The information provided by Normamed is for your information only and does not replace a personal consultation, examination or diagnosis by a licensed physician.
In principle, no remote diagnoses and therapy suggestions can be made for individual cases. The provided information and contents serve the general non-binding support of the person seeking advice. The information provided by the respective experts does not replace a visit to the doctor, but it can usefully complement and support the dialogue between patient and doctor.
The content provided by Normamed cannot and must not be used for making independent diagnoses and/or making an independent selection and application or changing or discontinuing medication, other health products or healing procedures. Please always ask your doctor or pharmacist!
The content provided on the Normamed website has been carefully compiled and meets high quality standards. The accuracy of the contents is checked and updated at regular intervals. Knowledge in medicine is subject to constant change through scientific research and development in medical practice. Our authors and medical experts take great care to present medical information correctly and in a form that is understandable even for laymen.
However, Normamed and third parties do not guarantee the comprehensiveness, correctness, accuracy and up-to-dateness of all content on the website. The contents were comprehensively checked at the time of publication. Erroneous content was not recognised at the said time.
However, a permanent monitoring of all contents is not possible without any postponement. Should there be a need to make changes in content or any adaptation requirements are to be made, these will, however, be implemented promptly in the interest of all interested visitors.