Aftercare and prevention

After successful treatment, the Normamed standards ensure the monitoring of the progress. Aftercare and prevention work hand-in-glove.

Das Normamed-Monitoring

The treatment can yield lasting success, if the treatment is checked again and again during its course. Patients should not be left by themselves with medication and leaflets. Results of the treatment and progress are requested at regular intervals. And the doctors thus find out whether you are satisfied with the treatment.

The Normamed-Check-ups

With the Normamed Check-up STANDARD your state of health is examined thoroughly and as precisely as possible. With a systematic treatment of ailments and illnesses, you thus have all bases covered. For regular monitoring of progress, we recommend carrying out check-up every two years as a follow-up and precaution.

Choose the Normamed Check-up FERTILITY if you want to clarify your personal possibilities of fulfilling your desire to have a child.

The Ärztehauses Mitte in Berlin is the first medical centre in Germany where therapy, aftercare and prevention are carried out according to Normamed quality standards. Here you can also get individualised health services, which are based on Normamed guidelines. Samples are examined and evaluated in the laboratory of the MVZ according to Normamed standards.
