The example of Helicobacter pylori

Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) is a dangerous rod bacterium that settles in the stomach. This pathogen is very common. It has been classified as a carcinogen by the WHO since 1994.

H. pylori is one of the main causes of diseases of the stomach and intestines, but it can also cause other diseases – in many instances after many years. During this time, the infection can also progress symptom-free.

It can be easily confused with other infections, for instance with pathogenic yeasts, which can ensue the same or similar symptoms.

Helicobacter pylori: Diseases, symptoms and disorders

The consequences of an untreated infection with Helicobacter pylori (and possibly also mixed infections with pathogenic yeasts) are

  • Gastric acid overproduction, stomach ulcers, duodenal ulcers and the development of carcinomas
  • Reflux (GERD) and heartburn
  • Interplay between infections and gallbladder function with respect to gastritis
  • functional diseases of the digestive system, so-called dyspeptic symptoms (chronic gastrointestinal complaints), chronic constipation and diarrhoea, changing stools, cramps in the upper and lower abdomen
  • Food intolerances and allergies
  • inflammatory bowel diseases with polyps and diverticula as well as alternating and chronic inflammations of the bowel
  • Disorders of the immune system and influence on the immune factors as well as the exo- and endocrine system (hypophysis, thyroid gland, pancreas, gonads, adrenal glands)
  • various skin diseases (especially chronic urticaria, rosacea)
  • neurological diseases (Parkinson’s disease, headaches/migraines)
  • rheumatic complaints and arteriosclerosis
  • Vascular diseases (including heart attacks and strokes, plaque formation in receptacles – also in the context of other infections such as Chlamydia pneumoniae.


Diagnostics and therapy of H. pylori

Serological tests (comprising of IgA, IgG, IgM Elisa and blot tests) are easy to perform. They are gentle (and, with the correct combination of methods and interpretation, good) alternatives to endoscopy (gastroscopy) and biopsies. With them, you can do away with unpleasant examinations for patients. And a diagnosis can be made quickly with their help.

In order to exclude mixed infections and to correctly evaluate symptoms, the examination for pathogenic yeasts should also be carried out. These can also be detected very easily using oral swabs and stool samples.

TCM diagnostics can also provide additional information. For example, a tongue with a pronounced notch in the middle may not only be an indication of disturbed spleen function, but often also of infection with Helicobacter pylori and pathogenic yeasts.

The infections or mixed infections are treated after successful laboratory verification and exact differentiation. Both pathogens have a high potential for serious diseases. Other pathogens may also be involved.

The background of careful investigations is the elimination of complications, intolerances and inefficiencies in therapy with antibiotics.


How can the effectiveness of pathogen treatment be improved?

It is true that Helicobacter pylori can best be treated with a targeted combination of antibiotics. Various antibiotics are used to that end.

Nevertheless, it is not uncommon for certain antibiotics to not work out. Practical experience shows that the ineffectiveness of antibiotics is not solely due to the resistance of the pathogen. The reasons have not yet been sufficiently clarified from a scientific point of view. Experience indicates that they can also be caused by untreated infections (e.g. with Candida spec.).

The effectiveness of the medication and the tolerability of the treatment require a systematic approach. Exact anamnesis and the regulation of metabolism help distinguish the consequences of one’s own treatment errors from side effects of the medication and avoid discontinuations of therapy.

The tolerability of the medication (antibiotics) can, for instance, be increased with additional and helpful measures before and during treatment. This also includes supportive medication to improve metabolism, such as the ones offered by TCM.

Since the pathogenic yeasts lead to similar complaints as Helicobacter pylori, but multiply strongly under antibiotic treatment of the bacteria, their inclusion in a diagnosis and therapy of H. pylori is highly recommended.

The aim is to avoid the multiplication of pathogenic yeasts and thus possible complications of the treatment against the bacteria.

It is surprising that even current guidelines do not take these circumstances into account, although they are medically proven.

A pathogen that called for a medical reconsideration

The discovery of the pathogen and its threat was considered so significant that Marshall and Warren were awarded the Nobel Prize in 2005 for their research into Helicobacter pylori infection.

As is often the case in medicine, these researchers had to resort to self-experimentation to refute the medical and scientific beliefs of their time. Diseases such as gastritis, stomach ulcers and stomach cancer were primarily attributed to psychological causes and stress. Misconduct in nutrition and lifestyle was overrated.

Although today the role of pathogens in causing diseases is well known, many people still tend to make “the psyche” generally responsible for gastrointestinal complaints. Here Normamed causal medical care proceeds methodically and consistently in a different way.


The discovery of the pathogen Helicobacter pylori shows why a medical reconsideration was and is necessary in diagnostics and therapy. Therefore, Helicobacter pylori infection is diagnosed and treated by applying standards that offer the chance of successful treatment and a reduction in treatment failure.