Epidemiologic study by DNA typing of a Candida albicans outbreak in heroin addicts.

Clemons KV, Shankland GS, Richardson MD, Stevens DA (1991)
Epidemiologic study by DNA typing of a Candida albicans outbreak in heroin addicts.
J. Clin. Microbiol. 29
pp. 205–207

Exophiala dermatitidis, Stuhl-Isolat, Reis, 400-fache Vergrößerung

Candida albicans, Stuhl-Isolat, SG-Platte, Rand, 400fache Vergrößerung

Candida albicans, Stuhl-Isolat, SG-Rand, 400fache Auflösung

Candida lipolytica, Nagel-Isolat, 1 Tag, Reis, 400-fache Vergrößerung, Kontrast

Epidemiologie; Candida-Endophthalmitis; Heroinabhängige; DNA-Typisierung; Biotyp; Candida albicans; Candidose
Epidemiologic study by DNA typing of a Candida albicans outbreak in heroin addicts.

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