
Anamnesis – Care right from the start

Normamed anamnesis is carried out at all stages of diagnosis, therapy, aftercare and prevention. It includes questions that are not asked by many doctors about digestion, sleep, unusual complaints, eating habits and the health of the partner, for instance.

For the treatment of many metabolic diseases, organ dysfunctions and infections, an overall, comprehensive picture of the physical condition is necessary.

Preliminary evaluation of findings

The preparation of the medical examination includes the review of previous findings.

Basic anamnesis

The initial survey forms the basis for the subsequent diagnostics and therapy for the physicians recommended by Normamed.


The medical anamnesis

The answers to the basic anamnesis are discussed with the patient by the physicians recommended by Normamed.

The results of the basic anamnesis often provide the attending physician with essential information about the underlying diseases. In these cases, even small changes in behaviour – e.g. in nutrition – can often bring about a considerable improvement in the patient’s well-being. Doctors can give a fitting recommendation in the course of further examinations, if and as necessary.

The supplementary anamnesis

Supplementary surveys provide valuable additional information on food intolerances, allergies or skin problems for instance. It can also prove useful to involve life partners in these examinations.


Nutrition protocols

Daily observations of one’s own behaviour can help patients understand the effects of diet on digestion and general well-being. Individual tolerance is always given its due importance – and not the renunciation of quality of life by following a rigid diet philosophy.



In the course of the treatment, questions about improvement or satisfaction are asked.

Normamed causal medical care needs both – the willingness of the patients to actively participate and the willingness of the doctors to continuously improve the procedure.

For this reason, survey results are also used in anonymous form for quality assurance and documentation of progress of the treatment.