
Show physical causes of sleep disorders

The evaluation of new studies and treatment monitoring shows: Infections are often the cause of sleep disorders. Your treatment often enables you to sleep soundly again. If left untreated, infections lead to digestive and organ disorders, stress on the immune system and ultimately chronic insomnia.

Disturbances of organ functions, digestion, the immune system and infections have a mutual relationship of cause and effect:

Infections cause an overload of the immune system. This permanently damages the spleen. Disturbances in kidney functions and impairments in liver performance follow. Organ dysfunction and infections often become visible through digestive disorders.

Infections, particularly with pathogenic yeasts of the Candida species and with bacteria such as Helicobacter pylori, can be part of the causation chain of chronic sleep disorders – as a result of interactions between infections and organ dysfunction. If the sleep disorders affect the performance of the organs, then this promotes immune deficiencies and susceptibility to renewed or further infections.

Studies on the causes of sleep disorders

Studies have now documented this connection after several years of observation and have comprehensively demonstrated it for the first time. The results are clear: Infections with Candida albicans that remain neglected and untreated are very common in long-term sleep disorders.

Normamed sees the combination of modern Western medicine with traditional Chinese medicine and microbiological laboratory knowledge as the basis for the success of the causal medical treatment of sleep disorders. If the causes of sleep disorders are treated, chronic illnesses can be prevented. This is shown very clearly by the monitoring of the treatments following the studies on their patients in the studies.

The following list of Normamed publications on sleep disorders is divided into quick-to-read summaries and detailed presentations with scientific discussions.


1 On the connection between sleep disorders, infection-related gastrointestinal diseases and organ dysfunction from the perspective of modern western medicine


2 On the connection between sleep disorders, infection-related gastrointestinal diseases and organ dysfunction from the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine


3 Monitoring the treatment success of sleep disorders through integrated medicine


4 Normamed meta-analysis for the treatment of sleep disorders