
The Normamed Check-up FERTILITY

According to the German Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (2023), almost every tenth couple in Germany between the ages of 25 and 59 is unintentionally childless. These couples are dependent on medical help to fulfill their desire to have children. But the diagnosis “infertile” sometimes also stems from lack of knowledge about the various causes for a previously unfulfilled desire to have children.

You can opt for the Normamed Check-up FERTILITY for the most accurate assessment possible of your health, if you need a large-scale, non-invasive and immunological medical analysis besides the general hormonal conclusion.

Go for it, if it is your intention to understand your personal prospects of fulfilling your wish to have children as comprehensively as possible.

The Normamed Check-up FERTILITY lays out special priorities: It examines the cellular immune system, specifically with regard to regulatory T-cells, which are responsible for tolerance to the fertilized egg cell as an allograft (transplant of another individual of the same species). And great attention is also paid to infections: For a functioning pregnancy, so long as a well-functioning immune system is concerned, unveiling possible infectious diseases that could be causally responsible for disturbance in the immune system is crucial.

A disturbance of the immune system not just via infections, but also through autoimmune diseases and allergies for instance, can reduce the possibility of inducing tolerance and thus lead to abortions or missing pregnancy signs.

The Normamed Check-up FERTILITY offers you:

  • the view of current preliminary findings and findings of your medical history, archiving, annotated inclusion in the individual steps of diagnostics
  • comprehensive, qualified and careful specimen collection in the laboratory of the medical centre (swabs and blood samples, as per individual requirements)
  • Assessment of the samples by the laboratory licensed according to the Normamed procedure.
  • the Normamed basic anamnesis with detailed questions about your current state of health, your current medical history and previous illnesses
  • the dynamic Normamed-supplementary anamnesis with detailed questions directed towards problem areas, which resulted from medical examinations, the basic anamnesis and laboratory insights
  • medical consultations for classification of the results
  • internal work- up of examinations
  • sonographic break down and supplementary examinations
  • functional diagnostic examinations
  • the use of Normamed’s patent-pending mouth-throat diagnostics (a gentle self-examination of your oral mucosa, from the results of which, much important information about your metabolism and the function of your internal organs can be obtained) as a follow-up examination
  • TCM clarification and check ups (tongue and pulse diagnostics)
  • individualised nutrition and prevention recommendations (e.g. for general hygiene, for handling food, if necessary for the inclusion of metabolism stabilising measures of Traditional Chinese Medicine)
  • Recommendations on dealing with risks of infection when living with the family and companion
  • Check-up reports, on the basis of which you can decide how to proceed
  • comprehensive, final medical discussions that help you integrate the classification of the results and treatment planning and sound medical analyses from a holistic view
  • telephonic consultation and support during the implementation.

We will be happy to send you a detailed description of the scope of services upon request.