Normamed standards: The foundation of success.

Normamed demands high standards in medical care. From anamnesis and treatment to aftercare and prevention, patients and doctors are provided with a coherent causal medical system.

If you want to get to the bottom of the causes of your ailments or illnesses with Normamed, we will be happy to offer you consultation. Contact us and we will be happy to name doctors who will carry out our check-ups and treat the causes of your ailments.

Highest methodical standards at all levels

As a system, Normamed supports patients and doctors to collect medical information, the diagnostic evaluation and the implementation of treatment with all necessary standards. Which are:

  • the Normamed basic anamnesis with detailed questions about your current state of health, your current medical history and previous illnesses
  • the view of current preliminary findings and findings of your medical history, archiving, as a basis for further diagnostics
  • the use of Normamed’s patent-pending mouth-throat anamnesis (a gentle self-examination of your oral mucosa, from the results of which, additional information about your metabolism and the function of your internal organs can be obtained)
  • TCM clarification anamnesis (Tongue check-up and taking a pulse)
  • detailed nutrition survey to enlighten you about eating habits and perceptible and imperceptible food intolerances
  • Questions about the health of your female companion or your male companion to prevent ping pong infections during treatment
  • medical consultations for classification and examination of the results and for creating a diagnosis plan
  • Treatment of the causes based on an individual treatment plan
  • Use of Chinese medicinal herbs and (as per compatibility test) partly also probiotics. The goal: Stabilisation of the metabolism and the organ functions
  • Time-coordinated use of medicines and promoting effectiveness by combining it with Chinese medicinal herbs from pharmacies with well-founded expertise in this field, for instance
  • temporary nutritional recommendations to back up a particularly defined therapy (e.g. in case of poor digestion, varying and soft bowel movements – it cannot be replaced by medication)
  • Involving sick life partners in treatment in order to avoid re-infection
  • physically gentle approach with a series of measures that have noticeable difference compared to often common practice.
  • the use of the mouth and throat anamnesis for monitoring the severity of the disease and the course of recovery (for rapid and additional control and monitoring of the effect of drugs and accompanying medication)
  • telephonic consultation and support during the implementation, can also be managed by using modern communication (video technology and telemedicine)
  • periodic customer satisfaction surveys and evaluation of the progress in the course of the treatment.