Banerjee M, Thompson DS, Lazzell A, Carlisle PL, Pierce C, Monteagudo C, Lopez-Ribot JL, Kadosh D (2008) |
UME6, a novel filament-specific regulator of Candida albicans hyphal extension and virulence. |
Mol Biol Cell 19 |
pp. 1354–1365 |
Humane Pilzerreger; Candida albicans; pathogene Pilze; verlängerte Hyphenfilamente; virulenzbezogene Prozesse; C. albicans; UME6; Hyphenverlängerung; ume6Delta/ume6Delta; Candidose; RFG1-TUP1; NRG1-TUP1 |
Exophiala dermatitidis, isolat de selles, riz, 2 jours, grossissement 400x.
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