Heartburn and reflux

Heartburn and reflux are diseases in which the stomach acid rises in the esophagus. Medically, this is also known as GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease).

Stomach pain, upper abdominal discomfort, acid flow and acid burping are common and not always serious diseases.

However, if the symptoms increase, the risk of developing persistent diseases increases without causal medical care. The consequences can be serious. Chronic reflux considerably increases the risk of cancer.

However, ascending gastric acid is initially only a symptom that indicates a disease that requires treatment.


Identifying causal chains

The causes for heartburn and reflux are always individual, they run often “deeper” than just what is apparent in the stomach and are often less psychological than generally assumed. “Psyche and stress”, as with other diseases, are often quickly blamed for heartburn. This happens especially when there is a lack of causal medical diagnostics and exact microbiological examinations.

Infections are often responsible for symptoms such as irritable stomach, reflux and heartburn. Hidden, ignored and untreated infections with pathogenic yeasts, e.g. Candida albicans, can lead to a “chain reaction”: In the small intestine, disease-causing yeasts produce gases due to faulty fermentation. These can ascend and press the gastric acid up into the oesophagus. As a result, you have heartburn. A “lump-in-the-throat feeling” can also be experienced.

Many bodily functions are connected to the digestive system. Functional disorders can be just as diverse. A thorough and causally oriented diagnosis is therefore essential.

Possible causes of heartburn and reflux

Heartburn and reflux may be related to other ailments:

  • persistent or recurring digestive ailments (diarrhoea, constipation) and gastrointestinal complaints (flatulence, malaise)
  • Digestive secretion disorders, enzyme disorders (bile acid)
  • Allergies and intolerances and food intolerances
  • Sleep disorders, fatigue and exhaustion
  • Lack of concentration and physical exhaustion
  • frequent infections and susceptibility to infections.
Due to these circumstances, it is advisable not to simply suppress gastric acids. This is because short-term relief of symptoms should not be misunderstood as treatment of the cause.

Is it enough to suppress gastric acid?

The actual causes of heartburn are more varied than advertising for medicines often suggests. Therefore, regular self-medication with “compelling bowel movement” is medically not advisable. If ailments are suppressed solely by inhibiting gastric acid, then actual causes can be overlooked and ignored.

Gastric acid is an important component of the immune system. A mere suppression of gastric acid with the help of antacids or proton pump inhibitors/PPI can also weaken the immune system – especially if taken regularly.

Digestion as the mirror of health

With good digestion we feel in the pink of health, with disturbed digestion we feel sluggish – which can sometimes be a distressing and painful condition. Our general well-being is endangered.

Heartburn and reflux are the symptoms of a disturbed digestion. These symptoms can indicate that organs such as the liver, gallbladder and kidneys, metabolism, the immune system with the spleen and digestion in the gastrointestinal tract have become unbalanced. And this has to be made clear.

Normamed causal medical care as an opportunity

Normamed’s causal medical care offers a combined method of diagnosis and therapy for heartburn and chronic reflux symptoms.

It aims at sustainable treatments with careful examinations. The combination of western specialised and laboratory medicine, microbiology, traditional Chinese medicine and nutrition consultation is a special feature of Normamed.

Normamed’s medical consultants shed light upon possible physiological reasons for the ailments according to Normamed diagnostic standards. The specially developed diagnostic method follows a standardised procedure. Here, well-defined quality guidelines are adhered to within the framework of check-ups laid out according to ascertained examination patterns.

Alongside the lucid specialised and laboratory medical examinations, these check-ups include

  • infectious diseases from microbiology,
  • Ultrasound under diagnostic imaging and
  • Pulse and tongue diagnostics from TCM (traditional Chinese medicine).

These are linked to one causal medical care method. (see Schematic overview).


Diagnostics and therapy according to the Normamed methodology

Digestion is often a reflection of the interplay between organ dysfunctions and infections. The examination of digestive disorders reveals causal chains, which can lead to symptoms such as reflux or heartburn.

Alongside the lucid specialised and laboratory medical examinations, these check-ups include

and how do they mutually impact our body?

The Normamed STANDARD Check-up is a customised diagnostic method that helps crack these questions. The diagnosis of your ailments is carried out dynamically.

This means: The individual check-up spectrum results from the detailed anamnesis, from the medical examinations as well as from the laboratory findings and examination results of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). The scope of the examination can therefore vary.

For instance, the ultrasound examination of the organs can give indications of a necessary diagnostic investigation through measures of TCM.

The staff of the Ärztehaus Mitte (Medical centre) in Berlin will be happy to inform you on telephone about diagnostics and therapy options for heartburn and reflux diseases. There, check-ups and treatments are carried out by Normamed doctors adhering to Normamed standards Do visit the Normamed website for further expert insights on Normamed causal medicine.