Digestive trouble

Stomach cramps, pressure in the upper abdomen, acid burping and heartburn, diarrhoea and constipation, feeling of pressure and bloating, flatulence are widespread ailments. They are disturbing and are often treated according to intensity, duration and extent.

Due to the varying nature of these ailments, they are often regarded as temporary. However, they do not make case for an intact digestion.


Self-diagnosis is unreliable

For many people, digestive problems seem to be a familiar part of everyday life. In advertising, there are antidotes being promoted for the same.

It seems almost as if digestive trouble is “normal” because it is widespread. In addition, there is a wide range of self-medication available for many of these complaints.

It is amply tempting to want to self-diagnose this “simple” trouble – especially since many remedies can improve some of the ailment in a short amount of time, when one does not feel like spending so much time on this problem.

But pressure, feeling full, heartburn, soft bowel movement and varying and frequent diarrhoea do not belong in a healthy digestive system.

Certainly not the constipations, often compensated by laxatives and fibre.

It should absolutely be avoided to accept this as a shifting or “normal chronic condition”. Such tolerance can result in a complex disease pattern made of perceptible and imperceptible causes.


Taking digestive trouble seriously

Digestion is the mirror of many of the processes that take place in the body. Warning signs of the complicated digestive system must not be suppressed and the causes must not be concealed.

Intact digestion and its organ functions are the basis for a strong immune system, and physical and mental health. This includes the correct course of nutrition, vitamins and trace elements as well as the avoidance of deficiency symptoms and poor metabolism.

It is little known that gastric acid considerably influences essential functions of the immune system. The repeated suppression of gastric acid disregards the causes of the trouble and thus counteracts a stable health.

Normamed causal medical care for digestive trouble

Without thorough diagnosis and therapy of digestive disorders, further disorders of the organs can occur, with extended effects on many bodily functions, circulation, blood vessels and blood pressure.

There are simple examinations available for those interested, but these examinations require a high precision of the medical application of microbiology and the complementary medical treatments of traditional Chinese medicine.

The examinations include

  • a detailed interview on the history of ailments and on the digestive and nutritional condition
  • Specimens collection that patients can take by themselves for the most part
  • Blood tests
  • Specialised medical examinations
  • Tongue and pulse diagnostics of TCM
  • Oral mucosa examination
  • Ultrasound examinations.

The special feature of this concept is that laboratory analysis, diagnostic imaging and the results of Chinese Medicine (TCM) examinations complement each other and contribute to a refined overall diagnosis.


New examination methods make precise identification possible

In many cases, digestive trouble can be recognised by lesions in the mouth and throat. These can be seen in the form of strokes (indentations and elevations of skin folds), points (such as small knots) and injuries to the palate, right and left in the cheeks and on the inside of the lower lip.

These changes in the oral mucosa are visible as well as tactile with the tongue.

You can see considerable difference only after a short time as far as food intolerances and other complaints such as disturbed sleep are concerned. This will make it very easy to check and observe indicators of physical disorders and their causes.


Digestion is the foundation and mirror of physical health

The immune system and organ functions are closely tied to digestion in a control loop. Digestive disorders affect many organ functions, but often gradually and sustainably. This also includes the spleen and kidney functions. The consequences are interactions, which in turn lead to further disorders.When liver-gall dysfunctions come in the picture, the disease pattern progresses with a great influence on the immune system.

Due to the impairment of many functions, assigning ailments forthright to actual causes is considerably more difficult.

The systematics of diagnostics and therapy must take account of the complex development of the disease pattern. The length, severity and progress of the disease must be precisely ascertained.

The recovery of health depends on various factors. For instance, the disorders of the digestive system and its complex consequences for the organs must be fully diagnosed. This is the primary essence of the therapy, which often has to be coordinated with the pathogen treatment.